SIPS angler participation survey 2024-25


Queensland's Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme (SIPS) helps fund the stocking of dams and weirs with native fish for recreational fishing.

We are inviting people who held SIPS permits between 1 March 2024 and 28 February 2025 to participate in the short survey below, which will help improve and maintain the world-class freshwater fisheries on offer in Queensland.

The survey results help us allocate funds from permit sales to support the stocking of fish at over 60 SIPS dams and weirs.

  • SIPS participation survey 2024-25

    Please take this short, 7-question survey to support the continuous improvement of our stocked waterways. It only takes around one minute to complete.

    Have your say by 5pm, Sunday 27 April 2025.

    You are not required to login to complete this survey. If you need assistance please contact or 13 25 23.

    Note: Unverified or duplicate responses will be removed to maintain data integrity.