The Queensland Government has invested $3.7 million over five years into ensuring the Torres Strait and Cape York Peninsula are prepared for biosecurity threats. This has included the implementation of the Far Northern Biosecurity Initiative (FNBI).
The next phase of the FNBI is starting soon, in line with the Government's $22 million investment in emergency animal disease preparedness. This investment has already added 10 new frontline biosecurity officers across the state. The FNBI focuses on engaging stakeholders, providing education, and building partnerships to deliver biosecurity services more effectively.
To adapt to evolving biosecurity challenges in the region, the Cape York Biosecurity Centre (CYBC) will cease operations on June 30, 2023. While the CYBC primarily inspects private vehicles, it has been recognised that other biosecurity measures are needed to protect the Far North.
Biosecurity Queensland has responded to this by appointing new team members in Bamaga and Thursday Island over the past year, reinforcing our commitment to frontline northern biosecurity.
Find out more about BQ's commitment to biosecurity in our North Queensland biosecurity snapshot.
A collection of relevant resources for our biosecurity partners, including presentations from the Queensland Biosecurity Partners Forum 2023.
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For further information about the Partners Network, contact Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 or email