Following recent changes to department responsibilities, we are now the Department of Primary Industries

Welcome to the Queensland Department of Primary Industries' engagement and conversation platform. This is your online space where you can have a say about initiatives and issues in agriculture, fisheries and forestry that affect you. You can join the conversation through forums, surveys, polls, crowd-sourcing ideas and events.

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Road to the future beyond 2025

Queensland primary industries 25-year blueprint Current Status : Blueprint drafted

Have your say to develop a blueprint for a thriving primary industries
Have your say
Share your feedback on the Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme
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Share your ideas on ESG in agriculture in Queensland.
Share your ideas
Sign up to participate in the onboard camera field trial for gillnet vessels
Register for trial
Apply for grants under the Community Bee Innovation Fund to help Queensland prepare for varroa mite.
Based on stakeholder feedback, Fisheries Queensland has completed a major update of the Accepted development requirements for operational work that is the removal, destruction or damage of marine plan...
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If you're planning a sideline event as part of evokeAG. 2025, let us know here.
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Access information and resources to prevent and prepare for emergency animal diseases, including lumpy skin disease, foot-and-mouth disease, African swine fever.
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Find out about priority actions for further conservation and glider recovery
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Find out about the introduction of mandatory electronic identification (eID) for sheep and goats in Queensland.
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The Vessel tracking decision post implementation impact analysis statement is now complete. Please note: The vessel tracking post implementation impact analysis statement (PI-IAS) was formerly referre...
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The field trial evaluation report is now available
Keep up-to-date on the latest information on fall armyworm (FAW) research, development and extension in horticulture, and engage with industry and stakeholders.
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Find out the latest information to answer your questions on varroa mite (varroa destructor)
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Projects Under Review

Submissions have closed on the update to the Accepted development requirements for constructing or raising waterway barrier works.
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The results of consultation on gillnet-free zones and general fisheries reforms in the Gulf of Carpentaria is now available.
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The consultation has closed on the policy for adding or removing seasonal closure exemptions for catadromous fish
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Submissions have closed for the review of the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994.
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online community engagement

Livestock brands and earmarks consultation Current Status : Government consideration

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is reviewing how livestock brands and earmarks will be managed in the future. Consultation has now closed.
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Closed projects

2024 Queensland Agriculture Awards winners announced!
The Queensland Aquaculture Strategy 2024-2034 consultation is now closed. Thank you for your submissions.
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Register your school's interest to unlock an unparalleled learning experience for your students at the 2024 Biosecurity Youth Summit!
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Biosecurity mates ambassadors have been appointed in Queensland to protect our industries and environment.
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Consultation has now closed on the Queensland Invasive Plants and Animals Strategy 2025–2030
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Consultation has closed on the phase out of gillnets in the Great Barrier Reef
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